Back by popular demand, our industry expert tackles salon today readers biggest design dilemmas.
We are establishing a second location closer to the thriving university in town. Since we will be targeting the student market, I want this location to have an edgy,hip, cool factor, but one that doesn’t get dated too quickly. What should I be considering in my design?
Leon Alexander, Ph.D.:
In the next year, we are planning on doing some significant renovation to our existing space, but we can’t afford to close throughout the entire process. What is the typical amount of time that we would need to close and how can we best continue to operate through some of the construction without it being too big of an inconvenience to our guests or our employees?
If the flow of the salon has never been right for you, it probably never felt right for your customers as well. The design should be focused on creating experiences for the consumer, as well as great functionality for the staff. S a l o n design influences your customer’s behavior. The primary design objective is to create and implement a design that combines the physical rejuvenation with an emotional space. Achieving a powerful experience. As a result, it creates an environment that is conducive to both buying and service and maximizes the potential of the salon business.
I want to keep down maintenance costs in my new salon. Could you suggest materials I can consider which resist color stains, as well as wear and tear?
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