“The Times They Are A ‘Changin” The lyrics of the Bob Dylan song in the 60’s offered a positive feeling of change, and was a call to action by a frustrated youth. They feIt like they were in a battle! Today we face a series of different battles. An industry that has less people entering, how […]
How to Stay Positive During the Pandemic
If you told me a year ago, I’d be writing an article entitled “How to Stay Positive During the Pandemic,” I’d probably laugh it off as a hyperbolic framework to talk about positivity. Who knew this is where we’d be? Our lives have been turned upside down by the outbreak. Work is different. Any social […]
Fear, Risk & Originality
Why do some salon-owners take calculated risks by opening multiple locations and others stay with one? Some take a 6,000 square foot lease and others 1,500? Some hairdressers become platform artists and other content to work behind a chair. There are many reasons to those questions including our mindset, comfort zone, confidence and business […]
Burn Your Bridges
Why do thousands of people camp out all night in the cold before the Apple iPhone debuts? Is it driven by a complete understanding of how well the technology will improve one’s workload or personal enjoyment? No! For many the desire to obtain an iPhone stems from an emotional response that is linked to neuronal […]
It’s Time for a New Business Model
It’s Time for a New Business Model Last year, the beauty industry lost over 21,000 salons, almost 9% of the previous years’ total. There are various reasons for this reduction including: salon walkouts, salon suite/loft growth, escalating overheads, standard of work and bored consumers. In other words, the salon didn’t excite the consumer with anything […]
The Language Of Body
The Language of Body In business and in our personal life, it isn’t the brain people see, it’s our body language and it has either a positive or negative effect. How we stand or greet someone gives people an impression. We are fortunate in the beauty industry, because it enables us to interact by touching […]

The Third Place with Subliminal Messaging
The Third Place with Subliminal Messaging The salon of the future will not survive on hair services alone. It will have to be supplemented with other reasons the consumer will want to visit. We need to ensure that consumers view our businesses as “The Third Place.” Your home being the first place, your work is […]